Story telling is the artDocumentaries

Apart from fulfilling all the pre-requisites of production, we also understand the need to ensure strategic alignment of all key messages and representing impact with creative and contextual accuracy. This can only be done through a nuanced understanding of the subject, and expertise in strategic communication. Our team leads possesses both. Documentary is the art of telling a story through a thematic lens. If done right, it has the ability to raise awareness, bring people together and effect positive social change. Our researchers, copywriters and production & post-production experts have developed a reputation of being the best in the business. Give us a call and we’ll show you why.

That is why our communication products, i.e. documentaries, campaign ads, change stories (human interest stories) and other print & digital communication products are not just visually fascinating, but also fulfil the nuances development communication.

Our documentary production process is:

  • Proper resource allocation (Inception)
  • Knowledge of the project (Research)
  • Geographical knowledge of project areas (Research)
  • Building a visual vocabulary for films (Ideation)
  • Flexibility & adaptability in approaching the project (Planning & Ideation)
  • Detailed pre-production materials (Pre-production)
  • Ethical filming (Production)
  • Ethnographic editing & storytelling (Post-Production)
  • Open, clear and swift communication with partners (Throughout Project Cycle)

pre-production process

Our team has the distinction of having the most detailed pre-production process of any agency or production house because of our belief in contextual and thematic accuracy in all forms of communication. Unlike other agencies and production houses, we don’t misunderstand, over-commit and under-deliver – we do the exact opposite!

"For us, communications is part art and part science; and unless we do the science bit, what you eventually see on screen will not be art."


Give us the scope, we'll get you a bid.

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